November 11, 2009


I haven't posted in a while but my family is on my heart today. I feel like I have been so blessed with the family that I have. I also feel like my family has blessed many by showing others how to stay strong and united through the many struggles we have faced. My parents are a true testament to marriage. They got married 1 week after my mom turned 16 and my dad was 19. Needless to say, they went through a lot of ups & downs! We didn't always have a ton of money but I can assure you I never missed out on things that I needed and I don't remember missing out on the things I want. As we grew up there were a lot of fights, fits, and spankings!! 4 kids only spanning 6 years definitely had to be quite the feat! And while we might not have always been the best of friends I can say without a doubt we are now!

We struggled through helping Tim get passed his personal struggles, defended and loved me through my teenage years, watched and pushed Randall to make the best decision he has made-marrying Celice (There was no way we were letting him lose her!), did the best we could to be there for Jen's family while they dealt with the worst thing anyone could ever imagine, and they were there for Jason and I while we worried and struggled through the last couple months of my pregnancy and the first month of the girls' lives. While we have been hit with a lot of MAJOR obstacles in our lives we have always pushed through them and have ended up even stronger than before.

We have ALL married extremely well and I feel like my in-laws are just 3 more siblings that I get to grow with. Josh, Celice, Melaina, & Jason I hope you all feel blessed to be a part of this strong, Christian family because I know we feel blessed to have you in it!

Thank you Lord for giving me the strongest support system I will ever know. Continue to protect & guide us through this life. YOU are the reason we have become what we are. AMEN.

** This is a video of one of the Sundays that my family came to me in the hospital so that I could still participate in church. It was so great to be able to worship even when confined in a room.